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The Data Cempro Electronic Invoice System (NF-e) is the easiest, fastest and most economical way to meet the requirements with the legislation, generating the NF-e almost instantly with the Sefaz of your state.

With Data Cempro's NF-e, your company will have much more agility in its daily life, with dynamic reports, controls, validations, registrations and even the entire database is on your computer or server for consultation at any time . Furthermore, you can prepare and send several NF-e at the same time.

You can purchase only the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) module and then, if necessary, optionally add other modules, as the  Gold Commercial System  is fully integrated. This integration occurs automatically and at the time of issuing an NF-e, the inventory is already written off, registered in accounts receivable, posted to the cash flow and also prepares the documents to be exported for tax, accounting and bookkeeping. /or SINTEGRA.


The system allows for controls far beyond the issuance of the Electronic Invoice. O  Gold Commercial System  it has several reports where it is possible to issue: sales comparison by period, varied commission, sales management and statistics, billing by issue, maturity, customer, product, region and so on.


The Electronic Invoice System allows the issuance of the NF-e, which is a document issued and stored electronically. Its existence is only digital, with the objective of documenting an operation for the circulation of goods or provision of services that took place between the parties.


The Electronic Invoice is part of the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED) project, and constitutes an advance in the computerization relationship between the tax authorities and taxpayers, bringing modernization and standardization to the fulfillment of obligations, being the first step for this advance to implementation of the NF-e system.


The legal validity of the NF-e is guaranteed by the digital signature of the issuer and acceptance by the tax authorities before the triggering event occurs, through the transmission of an electronic file.




The use of the Electronic Invoice system brings benefits to everyone involved in a business transaction: issuer, receiver and tax authorities.

For the issuer of the NF-e, we can cite the main benefits as: the reduction of printing costs, purchase of paper, storage of tax documents, simplification of ancillary obligations (waiver of AIDOF) and the incentive to use relationships electronics with customers.

For the recipient of the NF-e, the advantages are: the reduction in errors in the bookkeeping of tax documents in your system, reduced space for storing the notes, advance organization of the logistics for receiving the products.

For the tax authorities, the advantages presented by the Electronic Invoice are: greater administrative integration, greater efficiency in inspection, coordinated tax actions, standardization of information, exchange of tax information and crossing of data reported to the system.

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 Info Services Tecnologia

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Política de Entrega:

Utilizamos múltiplus serviços de entrega, assim o tempo de entrega pode variar de acordo com a região do cliente.

Em geral a entrega ocorre entre 5 e 10 dias úteis.

Recomendamos que verifique o status do seu pedido.

Caso a entrega não seja concluída, haverá duas tentativas em seguida.

A mercadoria retornará ao distribuidor caso as tentativas de entrega falhem.

Política de troca, devolução e reembolso:

Você pode trocar os produtos adquiridos até 15 dias após recebe-los ou devolver os itens em até 5 dias após a entrega, desde que o produto esteja etiquetado com todos acessórios e não tenha sido utilizado.

Contate-nos através de nossos canais de atendimento para que possamos organizar a troca e devolução.


Em até 10 dias será encaminhado o pedido de reembolso (decorrente de devolução) no cartão de crédito ou conta corrente com a mesma titularidade.

A disponibilidade do valor ocorrerá de acordo com as regras da administradora do cartão ou banco do cliente.

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